Jon Phillips is a motion graphics artist, writer, and director.


Trouble At The Bale Lake Petting Zoo.

...amen, glory to the Lord, thank you, Brother Pat, for leading us in prayer, and for that exciting news about Sister Terri's remission, praise be to Him in the highest.

Now, on a less joyous note, it seems the Deceiver is at work in the hearts of men once again... I received a call yesterday evening from the Bale Lake Center, where we held our Men's Faith Retreat in July.

It seems that they were contacted by the Bale Lake petting zoo, and there must be a real roster of doubting Thomases and Sauls on the road to Damascus at the Bale Lake Center, because they decided to take the petting zoo's side, despite the fact that there was no proof it was our Christian brothers who got drunk, climbed the fence, and forced that camel through the eye of a needle.

I know, I know, and I told them, that bible embossed with our church's name could have been picked up anywhere, we occasionally do hand them out while witnessing for Christ, and I asked them how they could even read it if it was as soaked in camel blood and lubricant and tequila as they said it was. And even if our brothers had done it, it would have been in a flurry of religious passion for our Lord and respect for the living Word, and such fervor should be celebrated!

But Satan must have hardened their hearts, for both the petting zoo and the retreat center have banned our congregation for life.

The world is growing more hostile to Christians every day, brothers and sisters, but do not lament, indeed, use this as a striking plate to redouble your efforts to witness for God, and let your faith be not redoubled, but retrebled! Requadrupled! We will find a new location for the Men's Faith Retreat!

Now, open your hymnals to page 63, and Brother Pat and Sister Jan on the organ will lead us in O Lord, You Have Been our Dwelling Place...