Jon Phillips is a motion graphics artist, writer, and director.


A True Story.

I remember once, after a premiere of one of my pictures at Grauman's, I was eating dinner at the Musso & Frank Grill and who came in but Kirk Douglas and Rosemary Harris, who were apparently an item, even though I didn't follow the tabloids, and they asked if they could pull up a table, because they had seen a picture I was in with Robert Wagner and wanted to ask me for some acting tips. Of course I obliged, having seen some of their pictures and stage work and felt a certain kinship with them. Ultimately, I coached Kirk to the point where he felt comfortable auditioning for Spartacus, and Rosemary Harris asked to marry me, but I had to decline, because I had to fly to the moon the next day, because I was also an astronaut and a very successful painter and architect

DetritusJon Phillips2020